Sports Nutrition for Paralympic Athletes gives information about vitally important nutritional sup- port for paralympic athletes on the broad subcategories of all physical, visual, hearing, and intellectual impairments.
The goal of the book is to provide a more ex- pansive set of knowledge, considerations and tips that a practitioner might need to consider when applying knowledge about sports nutrition to an athlete with im- pairment.
The book is written for all sports practitioners, coaches, researchers and students involved and interested in working within para-sport and sports nutrition.
The book is composed of 14 chapters and includes illustrative 18 figures and 16 tables. Following the introduction in Chapter 1, Chapter 2 contains a description and short history of sport with impairment,
including the concept of classification. Chapter 3 reviews current principles of sports nutrition for both training and competition in able-bodied athletes. Chapters 4 to 9 fur- ther investigate these principles within spinal cord inju- ries, cerebral palsy and acquired brain injuries, amputees, les autres, vision and hearing impairment, and intellectual impairments, respectively. Chapter 10 to 13 explore areas associated with sport and exercise which a sports nutri- tion practitioner may require a more in-depth understand- ing of, or utilize tools associated with, in their assessment of athletes' needs and may influence the advice which is given. Finally, Chapter 14 summarizes and gives future directions.
The editor to this book is a highly creden- tialed and acknowledged sports dietitian for athletes with impairment. The chapters in the book start with chapter contents, some include take home messages and future recommended readings, and has their references at the end. The many commentary boxes in the chapters pre- sents case studies and interviews with an expert panel of scientists, athletes, and coaches.
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